29 May 2010


It's come and gone now. And has been talked about. And will be talked about. You could probably teach a course on it. Lost is over. And we will never see the likes of it again. Even J.J. Abrams' genius cannot repeat an achievement like this.

Everyone will have their theories about what it means. Which reality is real? Who lived? Who died? Who was left? and what happened to them? What was it all for? And there is plenty to mull over, piece together, details to notice, obsess over, and enjoy. It was, after all, a bloody great ride.

What can I say that hasn't been pointed out by critics, Lost-ies and other avid viewers? I don't know. It's all still sinking in. But I just wanted to mark the moment's passing, unnecessary though it may be. It's already certain that it cannot be forgotten.

Get Older

It's been happening all along; it happens to each one of us if we stick around long enough. And it sneaks up without us noticing. But every now and then, it strikes you, for a moment. And you have to acknowledge it...you're getting older.

You know you're getting old when...the baseball players you watched as a kid are now broadcasters.

You know you're getting old when...the players you watched as an adult, when the others were already broadcasters, are now becoming managers.

The generations that come after you, they are the ones who remind you. First, that there are generations after you. That you are no longer the "youth of today," those with their whole lives ahead of them, the next generation. You've passed on that mantle.

You know you're getting old when...music you grew up with is referred to as "Classic Rock."

Rachel on Glee referred to U2 as classic rock on one of the episodes a few weeks ago. U2! But when I think about it, it's been happening for years. The 80's are a long ago era, with classic bands and kitschy songs. Decades ago.

Yep, two decades, and it's time for your high school reunion. And you gather around with your friends, talking and saying, "Do you remember..." this or that. And sometimes you don't. Your memory is not as good as it used to be. This happened. Hina, one of my best friends, mentioned things I had no memory of. Turns out I remember some things she doesn't as well. It's almost like we weren't in the same high school together.

And you hear your mother laugh and she sounds just like your grandmother. And you wonder how she doesn't see it, that she's turning into her mother, but then again, you're turning into yours.

You know you're getting old when... you start referring to the 20 year olds as just kids. And tut tutting about how little they know.

You know you're getting old when... you are in the front row seeing your favorite band, and everyone is jumping up and down, and suddenly you feel stupid. And tired. And you've stopped jumping. Your feet have given up.

And maybe some other parts of you are giving up.

But it's okay, as long as you never stop learning. And you never stop falling in love. With new things and people and feelings. As long as you can still be uplifted by words and sounds and images. By ideas... And you know you can... and you appreciate it.