24 April 2011


Yesterday I woke up dizzy. Just a little. So that getting up from standing or sitting made my head swim a bit, like my equilibrium was off. And I had a headache. After planning what I was going to do this weekend, I ended up staying home. I watched the Mets, then I lay back down in the afternoon to take a nap. Then I remembered that new Doctor Who was coming on, so I made myself get up. I mentioned the dizziness to Dad, who in turn mentioned it to Mom, who got so worried she came up to my room with a blood pressure cuff. She took my blood pressure which was elevated, and then yelled at me about how I'm not taking proper care of myself. Yeah, she's right. But it's not easy. I finally got around to making a dentist appointment for this week. One thing at a time. But I should go see Doctor Ryan. It's been too long.

Mom went on about how I could have a heart attack with blood pressure this high and I wondered what would happen if I did die in my sleep or something. I wouldn't have time to fix things. And then they'd clean out my room, and find all the new shoes I've bought lately, clothes with tags still on, and the stash of Cadbury's Mini Eggs I have in my closet. Eventually they'd get into my storage unit, and see the piles of shopping bags, and plastic tubs full of handbags, way more than they actually know I have. And they'd find out, sooner or later, that I have MINIfir stashed down at Annette's house. They might look through my stuff on my computers. Find evidence of...what, I don't know. Just stuff that's none of their business. People always find out stuff they really didn't need to know about their loved ones when they are gone. I usually feel like I've nothing to hide. But we all have something. I haven't even thought about the stuff I keep in my desk at work. And since they don't really know any of my friends, would they ever be able to let people know? And would anyone notice that I wasn't around any more; and would they only vaguely wonder why and then forget about me?

Well, enough of that. I guess I'm just thinking about these things because of poor Lis Sladen (Dear Sarah Jane!).

It's Easter. And I feel fine today. I'm just tired. And a new work week begins, and I'll be more tired. And then the weekend will come and I'll make plans, and probably just drop them and stay home. But I do still have things to look forward to. New episodes of Doctor Who and In Plain Sight. The Glee concert next month. AMVIV. Maybe a trip to New York this summer to visit Hina. So I'll take a deep breath, and do what I have to do, and hopefully everything will be fine.

10 April 2011

Mohammed My Friend

So Jemma is feeling a bit pressured by her friend Mo. Every time she logs on, he is there demanding her time. It's not just that. He is constantly telling her how much he loves her and thinks about her. Jemma has to be blunt. She doesn't feel the same. How could she? She barely knows the guy. After being offline for a few days this week due to my dead Time Capsule, Mo tells Jemma he was worried about her, and wants to know if she was thinking about him in RL. I have to admit I was thinking about him. I was thinking maybe I should take an even longer break from SL to let him cool off. But then I got a better idea. I created an alt. His name is Marshall, and while he is not as yet fully formed, he's going to have something to say if Mo doesn't stop putting so much pressure on Jemma. Getting Marshall and Jemma online at the same time requires two computers, and since it seems SL is always crashing at least one of my computers, that hasn't happened yet. But it will, hopefully soon.

I noticed when creating Marshall that SL has changed the way you choose user names. You don't pick a first name and then choose from a list of available last names. I guess it got too hard to keep coming up with unique surnames for the millions of residents. So Marshall's name is MarshallMiller (one word). I spent a bunch of time last night trying to dress and style him to somewhat resemble his namesake. But it was trickier than I thought. He still looks pretty generic. I think Jemma will have to buy him some clothes and maybe some different prim hair, since he's not going to have his own money.

Other than that, not much has happened in SL this week. I had to work on Friday, so we missed SciFri, and then by the time I got the new Time Capsule up and running, I was too tired to spend much time there. Jemma kept Mo at arm's length, which he wasn't happy about. And she did chat again with Madame T., her neighbor. I'm trying to see what use the Pocket Metaverse app is on my phone. So far I can log on and respond to messages, but not much else. May come in handy though when I get bored at work.