02 December 2012


Friday me and George made plans to get Mom's birthday gift. I had a couple of doctor's appointments in the morning. So when I was done we had the following text conversation:

G: Where were you thinking of looking?
J: Don't know prob Fashion Show?
G: Sounds good. Want to meet there?
J: Sure what time?
G: I am ready I can start heading that way.
J: Okay so give me 30 min I guess.
G: Ok :)
G: Just making a quick stop
J: Okay I'm at Nordstrom.
G: Ok just parked coming up to Nordstrom's
G: On the 3rd floor
J: Okay I'll come up
G: Meet you on 2

And we were there. It's funny how often we converge on Nordstrom, give each other a bro hug and then exit to shop elsewhere. Like it's a bus terminal.

We walked out into the mall and looked around. Lunch? Yeah okay. Chipotle? Sure. We took the escalator down one floor to Chipotle. As we ate giant burritos, I suggested maybe a gift card for Mom at the Walking Company. She stands all day at work. She needs some good quality comfortable shoes. We could make it a good size gift card so she can get whatever she wants and still have some left over. Post burritos, we head out of Chipotle and make a right into the Walking Company. Done and done.
Now what? Apple Store? Of course. We look around then come out. Then we spot a new Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf kiosk that wasn't there before. Now I'm really excited. Red Velvet hot cocoa! I got my cocoa and we kept walking. I had to scramble to keep up with George. You're my favorite shopping partner Goob, I tell him. But you walk too damn fast! We moved in and out of places. We looked at the really expensive watches he likes, and marveled at the tininess of the clothes in Top Shop. We browsed Kate Spade. George tells me that since he hangs out with me so much and has learned about purses, he knows all about how much certain ones would cost when they get reported stolen. His fellow cops make fun of him for knowing that. "My sister likes purses," he tells them.

We tried to think of what to get Mom for Christmas. We've both taken care of Dad already. Eh, there's still time, we agree, and continue to stroll around without purpose. George has to play softball later, but in the meantime he wants to move on to the Forum Shops at Caesar's. We get our cars and drive the couple of miles behind the Strip to Caesar's parking garage and without any coordination whatsoever we end up parking a few spaces away from each other. We walk around pointing at things and saying, that's new, or was that here before? We have to go in here. Let me show you something I saw in there. We stop into the Nike Store. There is a really cool display of mannequins for each of the 30 teams in the NFL complete with uniforms, pads and helmets. I walk up to the representative of the New York Giants, Justin Tuck (#91), and shake his hand.

We stop in to Field of Dreams. The famous boxer Leon Spinks is in there autographing things for paying customers. We look at some other sports stuff, Star Wars and Harry Potter memorabilia. I can hear Mr. Spinks speaking to fans. He seems to have some difficulty. Poor guy probably has brain damage from all the years getting hit in the head, we nod sadly.  As we leave, I wave to him and he waves back smiling.

We peek into the new Bendel's that just opened a week ago. The shopgirl asks where we're visiting from. We live here, we say automatically. Oh, first time at Bendel's? We saw the one at Fashion Show. The girl points out the design of this (slightly) newer store. It's a little bigger. The displays are more similar to the ones in the famous New York flagship.  There is a large framed picture of the original which I point out to George. As we look around the girl follows us still making conversation. So what are you guys up to after this? I have to play softball. Oh sounds fun. What about you? I have to clean the turtle tank. Stop complaining about the turtles. I love the turtles, I just haaaate cleaning up after them. The girl, by now, must be sorry she asked.

We pass a bunch more stores we already saw at Fashion Show. But we can't help but step into Kate Spade again. I'm just so drawn to the color! George says. I take out the discount coupon in my purse. It expires today! I better use it. I zero in on a sparkly little coin purse. A little present for me, I say as we leave. Later we go to Vosges and buy a chocolate bacon bar to split. We find a bench to sit down. As I open the candy bar, I slowly peel back the wrapper like in Willy Wonka. No golden ticket. I bet the golden ticket makes the chocolate taste terrible, George says, quoting. We then begin singing the golden ticket song as I break off little pieces to split between us.

We get up and start heading back to our cars. Wait, did we do what we meant to do? George asks. Let's see, I begin counting on my fingers. We had lunch, we got Mom's gift card, I had Red Velvet hot cocoa, we met Justin Tuck, Leon Spinks waved at me, I got a little present, we ate bacon chocolate...I think we're good.

Back up to Caesar's parking, we bro hug, George reminds me to text so he knows I got home safe, and we head off on our separate ways. Perhaps not the most exciting itinerary to some. But a perfect day to me.