10 February 2013


 It has been just over a week since the last episode of 30 Rock. I'm sad that there won't be any more, of course. But I have to say the writers came up with one of the most satisfying series finales ever. The last 3 episodes actually. *SPOILER ALERT* Liz Lemon and her husband Criss adopt 8 year old twins who look just like Jenna and Tracy. Kenneth ends up President of NBC, and in the very last scene he is shown in his office, far in the future, space ships passing outside the window, and he is receiving a pitch for a new show from a Miss Lemon, implying it is a great, great grandchild of Liz.

So now I have a set point in time for my 30 Rock fan fiction, after which I'll have to the make the rest up. I mean, most of it is made up, but there are points where I insert events/dialogue from the show, around which my own events take place. I just realized that I have been working on it now for about a year. It is 28 pages. And as I said, some of that is where I cheated and inserted actual show dialogue. I wrote a short scene at work a few days ago, and emailed it to myself so I could stick it in when I got home. But still 28 pages is hardly anything for a year. And it's not even good. There are tiny bits. A nice line here, a good joke there. But all in all, not much to show for it. And since this particular project will never see the light of day, I have to wonder if it hasn't just been a major waste of time. The other project I haven't really started. I just have a couple of placeholder notes. I'm thinking I might just have to end the fan fic just to clear some headspace for it.

I had my yearly performance review this week. And it was even more filled with praise than last year. It astonishes me. Because I know that I spend a lot of time falling asleep at my desk. Especially between 7-10 a.m. And obviously, I sometimes write scenes for my fic when I'm supposed to be working. But I do get my work done, and done properly. I guess that's enough. My boss even spoke to me about taking part in a leadership workshop they have in the company, which may lead to a future supervisory role. She said the words "career path" which made me shudder a little inside.

In other news, I've decided to go to church tomorrow. Nearly. I've very nearly decided to go to church tomorrow. Then again I was supposed to go to the Rugby 7s today. But when it came down to it I didn't feel like sitting in the wind for hours and hours by myself. Three ladies from my ward came to see me a couple of Sundays ago. They had stopped by before the holidays and I'd told them it would be okay if they came back, so they did. Turns out they were the Relief Society presidency. They sent out the big guns. We had a good talk about the things that have been bothering me, and ultimately led me to stop going to church. It was nice to voice my concerns and have a conversation about those things. Last weekend, Sarah texted to invite me to a Superbowl party, but I was going down to Mom and Dad's to watch with them. So I told Sarah I'd try to make it this Sunday. And if I'm going to do that, I should probably get to bed at a decent time. Like now.