19 February 2009


I recently heard mention on NPR of a blog for the unemployed called Unemploymentality so of course I had to check it out. The "about" section states:

"The unemploymentality is a transformative state of mind that is the result of a sudden loss of job. Initial symptoms include spite and resentment towards the ubiquitous “economy.”"

I'm glad that there's a word for this now. Four months into my latest stint on the dole and I'm recognizing the signs everywhere. Okay, not everywhere, but I've gotten into the habit of picking up on new habits and linking them to my state of unemployment.

For instance, I go to Starbucks (and by Starbucks I mean either Starbucks or Coffee Bean) more now than I ever have before in my life. It's true, I'd never understood those who swanned into the office with their venti non-fat mochachino on a daily basis. Can you really justify paying almost $4.00 for a cup of coffee 5 times a week? That's $20 you could have used to almost not quite fill your gas tank. It makes sense that while unemployed, the justification for such an indulgence would be even more difficult to achieve. Especially since you don't have anywhere to swan into, 5 days a week, or even 1. But now, for some reason, it seems a symbol of being a member of civilized society. What am I, an animal? I can't even aspire to a chai latte every once in a while?

The meager (and quickly running out) unemployment compensation I receive ($336.60 a week) is already budgeted down as far as it can go to keep up my car payments, rent, insurance, gas and cell phone service (can't get called for an interview without a phone right?) My living arrangements are such that I can slide on the rent if I really really need to (thanks Dad).

I rarely leave the house more than once or twice a week, mostly for appointments and errands of an essential nature. If I do go out with friends, I volunteer to act as the designated driver so I can get free sodas all night, and still have a bit of a social life. (Okay, that part is not strictly true. I never drink so I am always available as the designated driver anyway, I don't even have to volunteer. And despite my best efforts, even when employed, I don't have much of a social life.) Since I have to cut back in so many other ways (Oh, the temptation to spend my whole tax refund on a handbag as I have in years past) it seems reasonable to allow myself one small indulgence when I do venture forth into the world. The purchase of a Starbucks beverage gives me an excuse to linger in a bustling, yet laid back environment, maybe sit in a comfy chair for a bit, read a book, use the wi-fi connection and then go on my way, as if I have someplace else to be.

For me, Starbucks is the expensive handbag of the unemployed. The justifiable splurge (I don't know about you, but I can always justify an expensive handbag). Plus, it doesn't even make me late for work as it invariably would if I were to make such a daily stop on my way in to the office during a period of employment.

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