07 August 2010

Through a Long and Sleepless Night

A few weeks ago, I underwent a sleep study to see if my insomnia had some discernible cause. I checked into a sleep clinic and got wired up before going to bed for the night. It was weird having all these sensors applied to my scalp and my face and body. I must have looked like a cyborg. Then I was plugged in to a unit next to my bed in the little bedroom. Otherwise it was like any other comfy bedroom. A nice big bed with color coordinated bedding and lots of pillows. There was even a nice chair in the corner in case I brought a companion to sit with me overnight. I didn't though, it was just me.

My sleep technician was called Edwin and he talked me through the process after wiring me up. It was probably around 9:30 when I got into bed. And I'd be there until 5:00 when I'd be woken up. Needless to say, I didn't need to be woken up. I was already awake. I did sleep some of the time, I remember because I had dreams. But I think I was pretty restless, tossing and turning the rest of the time. I rang for Edwin at around 2:30 so I could use the bathroom. He had to come and unhook me. I used the bathroom, carrying the harness for all my sensors, it was hanging around my neck actually. When I was done and Edwin was hooking me back up, I told him that I'd thought it was much later than 2:30. And that I'd been awake already for quite a while. He said, "I know." Monitoring me from a computer, he could tell if I was awake or asleep, if my eyes were open or closed, if I was in R.E.M. sleep, how my breathing was and how much I moved around. He said I kicked a lot, and that I woke myself up when I did it. Otherwise he wasn't really allowed to tell me much about the results of the test. It would be a few weeks for the data to be analyzed and sent to my doctor at the VA.

At 5:00 I was groggy despite having been awake for a while. Kind of like when I get up for work in the morning. I was definitely not feeling rested. I know it was partially because of the odd situation, being wired up and having to stay on my back. But it didn't feel that different from a usual night for me. Often awake, restless legs, and a brain that just wouldn't turn off. I remember having songs in my head. The Glee versions of "To Sir with Love," and Bohemian Rhapsody," just over and over again.

When I got up, the sensors all had to come off. The ones in my scalp left a waxy sort of glue in my hair and the ones on my face hurt when Edwin tore them off like band-aids, quicker better than slower. I got dressed and called Mom to come get me. When we got home, I went back to bed, gluey hair and all. I stayed in bed pretty much all of the morning, sleeping a bit here and there, but mostly just resting, glad to be back in my own bed.

I wonder what the data said. I haven't been to my doctor yet for the results. I wonder how much could really be picked up by those sensors of what was going on in my head. I know it couldn't record my thoughts, but just the activity of my brain I guess. I wonder what goes on in there. I look forward to finding out.

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