28 November 2010

We Float/Float On

Sitting at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in the District. Just had the most yummy red velvet hot cocoa. Can't believe I drank it all already. It's just a bummer they require a password here now. I can't be online with my iPod and iPad at the same time. I guess people were taking advantage. I guess I'll have to move on to a Starbucks to finish my work since I logged on with my iPod first and now I can't use the code again. I want to find out where another Coffee Bean is though. This red velvet cocoa is goooood!

I want to get an evite sent out for the STC Christmas party. I don't want to, but I should, I really should. I want to get some other stuff done as well, so I have to make some other stops. What else? I have to go to Lane Bryant, see if I can exchange those jeans, and if there is anything else I want to buy during this sale.

I might pop over to the Walking Company. They are having a tax free sale. I don't know if anything is marked down, or it's just the tax thing. Cause that would only be 8.1% which isn't much of a sale.

I can't believe what an inconvenience it is not to have internet at the house for a whole weekend. I wanted to do some shopping. I missed out on the sales Friday because I didn't have a secure wifi hotspot. You can't risk going around using your credit card on public wifi.

At least the Giants won today. Dad woke me up by yelling ,"No!" when the Jaguars quarterback ran the ball in for a touchdown in the 2nd quarter. I was already awake, but hearing him made me turn on the TV, and then come down stairs, and eat pancakes, and...well it's too late now, I'm up. That's the way it happens. It would be nice if I could go to bed when I want and then not be forced to get up. I mean, it's the weekend.

It would also be nice if these podcasts would hurry up and download. I can't believe how slow it is. Jeez. I guess when these are done I'll move on. I finished my cocoa long ago now. Darn it, I should have just downloaded these podcasts on my iPad and then I could have transferred them via iTunes. Too late now.

Have now checked in via FourSquare and Facebook. That's really sad. No one actually cares where I am.

I guess those two episodes of Marketplace are videos? But they should still be able to download. Hmm. Anyway, this last one is almost done. Guess I should wrap this up.

More later....

So I went to Lane Bryant and had a fight with a few pairs of jeans. Resigning myself to defeat, I got a couple of cozy sweaters and called it a day for shopping. I scooted up to the Panera Bread on the next corner, to get lunch, and use the bathroom, but I discovered they also have wifi. So I grabbed my iPad, ordered a tomato and mozzarella panini and found a table. Forgot I had to go to the bathroom. But I had food coming, I couldn't leave the table when the server would be looking for me. So I stayed to eat. I did manage to get off the evite for the STC party, but I couldn't get the message section of the invitation form to work. I also couldn't check the guest list to see if I needed to make changes, so I hope it's close to being right. After eating and staying as long as seemed reasonable after finishing, I took my pit stop and then went back out to the car. I couldn't get anything on my phone. No FourSquare, no google, nothing. So frustrating! My phone is supposed to be the one thing I can rely on in a pinch, with no wifi in sight and it couldn't manage even that. I tried to look up the next nearest Coffee Bean to hit next, but I couldn't make a connection. I ended up trying the Starbucks at Target, but it had no wifi. Then I stopped at the ATM and now I'm back at the Starbucks at Pebble. I can't imagine what I would've done otherwise.

Okay, podcasts almost downloaded now. What else to I need to do before heading home? I know there will be something I forget. I sent Kate a message to make sure she was on the evite list as she changed her email recently.

I guess I should get home so I can make the TV listing for this week. Dexter has already started. Mom is probably annoyed that I didn't come home for dinner. I'm not hungry anyway. I'm full of panini and cocoa and tea lattes. Hopefully I won't float away.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:W Pebble,Henderson,United States

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