14 February 2012

Romantic Type

One of my favorite movie quotes of all time is from Steve Martin's character in L.A. Story:

"A kiss may not be the truth, but it is what we wish were true."

As another meaningless Valentine's Day comes to an end (I'm 0-40) I've been thinking about how true that is. Sometimes, you just want someone to kiss. And even if you find someone, you know you're probably still fooling yourself. I've kissed a few people over the years. And looking back, I realize that I never felt like I was "in love" with any of them. In like, yes. In lust, sometimes. But otherwise, I still felt that "The One," if he was out there, he was somewhere else. And that having someone to kiss now, made the waiting just a little easier. Once again, it has been years since there was anyone. And if someone did somehow fall into my lap, it might get my hopes up; I might get a tiny glimpse of what I wish for. But it'd be gone again before I know it.

And yet... And yet as I get ready to watch the Valentine's Day episode of Glee, which will probably make me cry, I'll be fooled again.

In Season 3 of 30 Rock, Tracy helped Kenneth get a date with a blind girl he liked. And since she was blind, and Kenneth was too scared, Tracy did all the talking, a la Cyrano.  In the end, Kenneth fessed up to the ruse, and admitted he was unable to say what he wanted to.  The girl asked him, well if you could say something what would it be. And he said, "That you're the sweetest, prettiest, blindest girl I've ever met, and when I'm with you my heart jumps like a frog on July asphalt just before it dies." Such a way with words, that Kenneth the Page. Unfortunately for him, the girl felt his face with her hands and then rejected him because he has no chin. Apparently even blind people can be shallow. This year, Kenneth is playing it safe, and professing his love for NBC and his job at TGS. And I can't say I blame him.

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