04 January 2015

Closing Time

It's been a year since my last proper post to this blog. That doesn't mean I haven't been doing any writing. I started writing for Metsminors.net this past summer. It's a site that covers all the minor league affiliates of my team, the New York Mets. Since July, I've been covering the Las Vegas 51s, the AAA team, which means the next step up for the players is the Big Leagues. When I was a kid, even when I was heading off to college, all I wanted to do was become a sportswriter, specifically,  a beat writer covering the Mets. So the 51s in a way, even though it's still the minor leagues, are the next best thing. It's not a full time gig. I don't get paid; I have to keep my day job. But it's doing what I always wanted to do. So I can't complain. It's been the most satisfying thing I've done in a long time.

As for this blog. I tried to keep it up for as long as I could. Sometimes really reaching for something to write about. Often really stretching to make the post fit the song, or the song fit the post. Sometimes when a month or two would go by, I'd throw up a line or two just to have something here. But at some point my heart just wasn't in it anymore. So I think it's time to close the doors.

Now that it's 2015, Spring Training is just around the corner. A new season, a new beginning. And as a wise rocker once said, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..."

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