09 August 2009

Still Can't Find the Phone

My brother lost his phone a few nights ago while he was at work. He was pretty frustrated, because he uses his phone a great deal at work and losing it made it harder for him to do his job. Then there were all the other considerations. The phone had his contacts and pictures and whatever else he needs to have with him everyday. Plus, it was a pretty nice phone. It got me thinking, as technology continues to give us conveniences and capabilities that weren't dreamt of even 50 years ago, it can also be a bit of a burden.

We don't think about all that we carry in our pockets and purses until it's suddenly gone. And then, PANIC! Guys used to have to worry about only two things. Wallet and keys. Now it's wallet and keys at a minimum, but most likely also a mobile phone. Depending on the features of the phone, they may or not want to also carry an mp3 player, a camera, a GPS device...or any number of other gadgets.

For women it's always been more complicated. We may carry a couple of necessities in our pockets if we have any, but for the most part, we have a constant companion known as a purse, or a handbag. Much the same as for men, women generally carry a wallet and keys. Losing that stuff is bad enough, because these days we carry all manner of information in our wallets like a driver's license, credit and debit cards, work ID, library cards, membership and loyalty cards (including ones that can be used as cash like a Starbucks Card). And of course there may actually be a bit of cash in there too. Keys can include house keys, car keys, keys to any storage units, mailboxes or other secured facilities. Those are all an enormous headache to lose and have to replace. But in these days of identity theft, the worries are compounded. Plus if they get your wallet and keys, they know where you live and can get into your house! Quick, it's time to change the locks as well.

We've all been living with these potential hassles and even dangers for years now. Cell phones have been around more than a decade. But it seems like in the last few years alone the "must have" technologies have become "never leave the house without them" daily essentials. After my brother's experience, I decided to have a look in my handbag to see what I carry with me everywhere I go, and consider the catastrophe of losing any of it.

Let's see: I've got my wallet and keys of course. Hairbrush, cosmetics pouch, a couple of pens, some mints, coupons and bus tickets for work. Then the mobile phone, in this case a Blackberry with access to all my email accounts, etc. My iPod Touch, both for the music capabilities and the applications that I depend on, and the little pouch with my earphones. Pack of tissues, planner/datebook (slightly redundant since my iPod and my Blackberry both have calendar functions) and my Kindle. I mentioned this item to my brother and he said, "Geez, you carry your Kindle with you Everyday!" I don't, but every workday, yes, because I read on the bus. Also usually carried but not pictured are my work ID and car keys. And to be honest, concealed inside the cosmetics pouch are a few pricey personal care goodies including several jars/tubes of lipbalm that may or may not cost up to $20 a piece. (No, I'm not proud). And oh yeah, occasionally my wallet actually has a bit of cash in it. (Not much).

Put that all together with the value of the handbag itself (in this case a reasonably-priced DKNY hobo but often a pricier bag), and a purse snatcher must beware. He's not getting this stash without a fight. I mean, obviously if it's life and limb, I'm letting it go, but you get the idea.

I have a good female friend who travels sans handbag all the time. I don't know how she does it, but sometimes I envy her. She must be free of the constant burden of worry that I share with so many women. What if something happens and I don't have my __________ (hand sanitizer gel, band-aids, tampons, cutlery, handcuffs, change of clothes, etc.)?! I'm one of those be-prepared-for-every-situation-type girls. And I love my handbag. It's my life I'm carrying in there. That makes it a companion to me as much as an inanimate sack full of stuff can be. And full of stuff it is. Much more than in the past. Which is why I believe losing your handbag, or even just your phone, like my brother did his, is a nightmare waiting to happen. I just hope it never happens to me.

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