17 October 2010


I wake up in the mornings with cottonmouth. It's from the pills. The ones that help me sleep. It's just one of the trade-offs. The other is that it's a bit hard waking up. And staying awake, especially at work. I find myself grateful that I sit on my own in my cubicle. I'm useless for the first hour at least. Then when I do finally wake up, I'm surprised. Like I didn't expect to ever come out of the haze.

It's like that sometimes. You get into this frame of mind. I can be walking among people, and still be wrapped up in my own little world. And then I wake up. I realize that I've been chatting with shop assistants. And spending money. And I wonder what the heck happened; because usually I'm not impulsive. But I'm typing this on my brand new iPad. Whoops!

I managed not to buy any handbags. I found myself looking at some. And I reminded myself I'm on a moratorium. It didn't occur to me to add gadgets to that list. Oh well. This thing can be useful. I originally planned to get a netbook. Something I could curl up with and write on. Because I haven't been good about writing lately. I have ideas, thoughts, but they just seem to fly away. Like they were only dreams, and I've woken up without any memory of them. .

This is kind of funny. I'm holding the keyboard dock with my feet as I type. I tried with it on my lap, but it's a bit too small. Just able to balance on my knees, but it's not that stable. It would be more stable on a table. Ha! But that would sort of be beside the point. And now I've looked at the clock. And it's way later than I meant to stay up. Time is the commodity I need more of most. And no amount of money, or number of gadgets can get me more that that.

Still I need the sleep so badly, I take the pills, and struggle to wake up. And to come back to the world, thirsty, with my cottonmouth.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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