19 October 2010


I cast my ballot on Saturday, the first day of early voting. Now I must wait for the results on November 2nd and am left wondering exactly how many unreasonable people there are in this state and this country.

I hear many of them all around me. Some, in places I expect, like on the bus and at work. And some in places it seems to come out of nowhere. Like certain MINI club cohorts.

I try to stay out of any such discussions I come across. But it gets to me sometimes, how ignorant people can be. I get it; everyone hates Harry Reid. But Sharron Angle? Seriously? This right wing wackjob is just one of a dozen or so tea party/far right Republicans that are evidence of just how crazy things are in this country now. The fact that these candidates can be anywhere near the mainstream....Christine O'Donnell anyone?

Here's how I see it: Conservative is a code word which means, I got mine, so screw you. Conservatives are worried about the deficit, and too much government. Which means, they want less regulation so they can continue finding loopholes with their greedy Wall Street ways, so they can get richer while everyone else gets poorer. They don't want taxes to increase for the rich to help pay down that deficit they are so worried about. They feel like, hey, they earned their money, through "hard work" and shouldn't be charged for being more successful than everyone else. The free market is their answer to fixing the economy and health care. So wait, haven't we been trying that? How has it worked out by the way? Oh yeah, it hasn't.

So Sharron Angle wants to eliminate the Dept. of Education, the VA, Social Security. They think everyday Americans have an attitude of entitlement and are lazy, collecting unemployment or welfare. Meanwhile her husband is living off his government pension from the Bureau of Land Management.

Conservatives want the government to stay out of their lives. Yet, they want the government to keep women from choosing to have an abortion, even in cases of rape or incest! And they want it to tell gay people they can't get married.

They are anti-immigration, anti-gay, anti-health care for children and the poor. Selfish, racist, hypocritical...I could go on, but I'd just get upset. The Fox news distortion of reality, Glenn Beck and his John Birch Society "university."

So people are voting. And we can only hope that enough people see through this rampant craziness and do the right thing. Harry Reid may not be perfect, but he's the only real choice. And if anyone asks me, I'll tell them I voted for him. Response from the wackos may very well follow. But as logic and facts are not enough to convince them, let's hope it doesn't come to those "2nd amendment remedies" Angle suggested.

And that they not drive me around the bend, so much that I want to take a swing at someone out of sheer frustration.

May cooler heads prevail.

-- Post From My iPod Touch

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