01 April 2012

What's Up?

Well, change has come. Not quite they way I've been hoping. The opposite actually. They've moved me from my isolated desk into the writers' room. Now I have to deal with my two loud colleagues all day, up close and personal. I knew the move was coming. I talked to my therapist about it. All day Thursday, as I waited for the IT guy to come move my computer, I felt the dread and at the same time I heard her voice suggesting gently, maybe I could think of a way to deal with this change in a more positive manner.

One good thing is I've found I have a few more allies in the office than I thought I did. I wasn't the only one to express my concerns to our boss. I happened to run into her at Wal-mart today. She introduced me to her husband and we chatted for a bit. As I moved on to do my shopping, I thought about telling her I how I feel about the move. But I think I may be better off if I keep that to myself. How am I going to do this?  I wonder.

I had to pick up my brother and his girlfriend at the airport last night at midnight. By the time we got back to their place, we were all exhausted. I slept over in their spare room, and in the morning, they took me out to breakfast. I mentioned that I was thinking of getting a pet turtle. This got them both excited and they decided to take me to PetSmart. We looked at the red-eared sliders and vivarium setups. I got a book about them so I could do more research. They require a lot of care. I want to make sure I can handle it. Anyway, it was nice to see them. It's been a while. George kept asking if I had my eyes checked recently. I was struggling to read the keypad to open the gate at his apartment complex. I told him I have my reading glasses, but I don't really need them to see, just to give my eyes a break from looking at screens all day. I should really be wearing them now actually. Maybe these old eyes are going to need a more consistent solution soon.

That's about all that's up aside from the story I'm still working on. I'm writing it in real time, which is tricky. I want to add things to it at the most inopportune times. I have the Pages app on my phone so I can peck out a line or two in a pinch. I think it's going pretty well now that I've got some momentum going on it. Although, it's not going to go anywhere. I don't think I'll show it to anyone. But it occupies me enough to make getting through the days bearable.

I'm continuing my scripture study. I've reached Jacob 6.  And I'm also reading Tina Fey's book. It's  really good, all the little anecdotes that have ended up as plot points on 30 Rock. More fuel for my obsession. In the meantime I guess I'll just post this. I'm getting tired enough that I'm making a bunch of errors and not alert enough to proofread it. And I've forgotten my point.

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